Thursday, December 3, 2015

Responses to today's financial news

* CI and AET are among my biggest winners in my taxable account. Will sell them early next year and look for the next winners. Big impact from Obamacare.

* With aging population, drug companies should look good, but not with my GILD that is barely profitable. CALM even fundamentally sound has about 50% short. Do not know why. Hope the rise of interest rate would make the shorters loose their shirts.

* Bought OIL yesterday. Will give it to my grand children for long-term hold. Every one is for himself in OPEC. Some wealthy folks may be looking for some tallest buildings to jump. That's why they build so many.

* Iran will be richer after the taking out the oil embargo. Plus, the modern day silk road will reach it all the way from China. I love their culture and people. They accept more to the Western culture than most in the region. We should not force other countries to follow our ideals and culture.

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