Friday, April 24, 2020

The hawks and the doves

I am one of the doves hoping China and U.S. can co-exist peacefully. It would benefit my (and most likely your) wealth and living standard by doing so. For example, by decoupling, all the chicken feet will be dumped to the ocean instead of selling them to Chinese who treat them as delicacy.

There are many hawks. Many work for the military or are retired from it. Without wars, they do not have jobs. Many work for the defense sector. Without wars, these companies would go bankrupt, but it is good for mankind. Most of our leaders want to flex our military muscle to ensure we are on top and boost their ego. That’s why we have endless wars since WW2. Our huge war expenses should be redirected to improve our living standard.

The media report what you want to hear. They usually demonize China so they can sell more stuffs. The following are my opinions. Determine for yourself which are right or wrong and take out nationalism for a moment or two.

The following article outlined Defense Secretary Mark Esper’s opinions and I will discuss his points.

Mark: It will take to complete the U.S. drawdown (in Afghan).
Tony:  Is this the reason we need to deploy our military to South China Sea?

Mark: And the Air Force described a flight by a nuclear-capable B-52 bomber over Somalia in February as, in part, a warning to China of engagement to come.
Tony: What do you think if China do the same close to one of our coastal cities?

Mark: the United States is in a new “era of ‘great power competition,’”.
Tony: China has not expressed ‘great power competition’. In addition, China has a non-interference clause in their foreign policy.

Mark: China that continues to grow its military strength, its economic power, its commercial activity…
Tony:  What is wrong to be stronger? Did U.S. at one time was getting stronger and stronger?

Mark: do the things that really undermine our [and our allies’] sovereignty, that undermine the rule of law, that really question [Beijing’s] commitment to human rights.
Tony:  It is our standard. China has lifted millions from starving to death in the last few decades. Is it the #1 in human rights? In addition, we use double standards. Do you believe Saudi Arabia and many countries have far worse human rights than China? We keep our mouths shut and our eyes closed as they are supposed to be our ‘friends’. Which nationalists did participate in 911 attack? Is our constant gun shooting at each other a human rights violation?

The article: in illicit business practices, including hacking and theft of trade secrets
Tony: Most if not all countries spy on each other and steal trade secrets. If you believe CIA is a friendly information gathering agency, you believe in fairy tales. Do you believe Microsoft, Google and any major companies do not steal secrets from each other? Should you blame someone for not protecting your secrets, especially the secrets that deal with national security? Guess who is that someone?

The article: But none of it remotely justifies twisting great power competition into a shooting war.
Tony: I agree whole-heartedly.

The article: a U.S.-China war would pose a real threat to the American homeland.
Tony: I agree whole-heartedly.

The article: Our goal with Beijing (and Moscow, for that matter) should be diplomacy, mutual economic benefit and peace — not war.
Tony: It is my goal too.

Do you agree with me more or our Offense Secretary more?

This article will be included in my book "Rising China, Falling U.S.A." from

Click here for detail.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Pandemic from a Swedish citizen in China

I used Facebook’s translate feature (having some trouble in using Google's Translate) to translate it back to English, modified it and shortened it. Hence, there could be some translation errors. I am not sure whether it is from China's propaganda machine or not. The original post was deleted from Facebook.

The following is translated from the social platform of Swedish sister Amy Bromquist’s "Facebook", who has lived in Ningbo, Zhejiang since 2012. Today is 4/18/2020.

[4 months ago]

China: Found a new virus and it is spreading. Try not to go out and wear masks if you go out. Shut down nationwide.

Europe and America: Don't trust them, and it's just flu. They're trying to control their liberty and there's no need to wear masks.

Asia: Let's take steps, and everyone wear masks and limit public gathering.

[3 months ago]

China: Start building temporary hospitals as the medical system is overburdened.

Europe and America: it's a concentration camp where they kill people. Don't believe them!

Asia: We need to keep safe social distance.

[2 months ago]

China: The virus can be transmitted at close range through physical contact. We are facing a shortage of patients, medical supplies and medical staff, and we need support.

Europe and America: Look how backward they are not even enough personal protections for their doctors and nurses, so they ask everyone wear masks. They even block the entire country and stop the economy, which is clearly a wrong move. What a bunch of idiots!

Asia: What will these European and American countries do?

[more than 1 months ago]

China: The epidemic is stable and people are slowly returning to their jobs.

Europe and America: Liar! The data we see from Italy is clearly inconsistent with the data from China, which must have millions died and it must still be spreading.

Asia: Why do they say mask is useless?

[1 months ago]

China: What happened and how did the epidemic get out of control? What about the hospitals? Why don't you take segregation? Why you just sit there accusing me for three months and doing nothing?

Europe and America: You've never told us how dangerous the virus is, and you've been lying about data.

China: You never believe me, do you? When I say it's a big problem, you insist it's just a little flu. Why do you think millions of people in China are dead? If you think so, doesn't exactly mean it's a highly dangerous virus? And you should have been ready! How can you believe that so many people have died without knowing the dangers of the virus?

Europe and America: There is only one big thing in a backward country like you, where people are poor, unhygienic, and medical services are still in the 50 s. Your government covers the facts and fear of causing panic. This should not affect advanced countries like us.

China: Now the virus is killing your people. Act now, and you may still save it.

Europe and America: It's too late for us to do anything now, and many are dead. Maybe we can fight the virus through mass immune. You must take full responsibility.


World: We need help from China, medical supplies such as masks, breathing machines and protective clothing.

China: I will do my best.

Europe and America: You have ulterior intentions. You want to take the opportunity to expand your impact. Your data are fake, and apparently many people have died. Our tech medical system proves that viruses can't be defeated by such small data.

Asia: Where are all our data? Our data is lower than China!

UK: I'm suing you. Hold you full responsibility and reparations for billions of pounds!