Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Judge a city or a country by its transportation system

Compared to the subway system in Boston and NYC to any Tier I city in China and HK, we're the third-world country.

They are clean and clearly displayed with info. China is building an assembly plant for the subway system in Boston. Supposed to be free for seniors in Shenzhen. I used taxi in Shenzhen all day long due to laziness, comparatively cheap and time constraints.

One Youtube video compares China and India in rails. It is either tie or better in India. Must be made by an Indian with dumb nationalism. India has zero mile of high-speed rail and subway is just started a few years ago.

The high speed rail service in China is exceptional. Since the first fatal accident, I do not hear any accident (tough to cover up). I rode it twice in China and it is very convenient, fast, with decent food I paid... The ladies were slim and beautiful compared to our fat, old stewardess (most of them, sorry for being so shallow). We're really in a third-world country!


The above is from my book "Can China Say No?". Click here for more info in

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