Friday, August 1, 2014

On retail

* Retail is a tough business. Except several retailers going down, buy them at the bottom and sell them at their temporary peaks. I traded BBY, Target... successfully recently.

Missed JP Penny as I thought the recovery could not be that fast. Their handsome x-CEO had a lot to blame. He tried to change the company too much and too fast. If the 'silly' customers are used to take the discounts (after the inflated list prices), you cannot change them overnight. A lesson in CEO 102 (101 is on how to get a CEO's job)

* Apple still sells their products at full prices (unless you use employees' discounts and companies' discounts). I do not understand some policies of some retailers. You cannot claim the difference prices of a sales item within 14 days, but you can return it and buy the same item within 1 month or so.

* Circuit City used to let you return the big TV after the super bowl with no question asked. After the return, I could buy it back at deeply discount price on the returned item. This business model was short CIRCUITed in any CITY. RIP.

* I bet Walmart is not selling hamburgers in its India stores. I wonder whether they get their goods from India or from China. Also wonder whether they have back up power supply in case of the constant power loss.

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