Thursday, August 21, 2014

On China

China is not communist (i.e. every one is paid the same so there is no incentive to work hard). It only exists in one "C" of the CCP and everyone's daily life is ultra capitalist.

China is more capitalist than the US (i.e. if you do not work, you die).

Democracy is catching up slowly. However, comparing China 30 years ago, democracy has grown by leaps and bounds. From our yardstick, it is still a long way to go. Human rights should be prioritized: Food, Shelter, Clothes, Democracy...unless you're spoiled in the USA.

The $500,000 for a lot of rich Chinese is peanuts. If the money is from corruption, some would not come to the USA as there is a chance of forcing them to go back for trial. They come for education / opportunities for the children, food, water and air quality. It is better than those who come for welfare

One fast food from the US asked the city to collect more taxes from them if the city did not allow the other fast food to come to town. Monopolize? All the fat children in China are due to eating too many fast food and playing video games. Are the flies coming in when the window is opened?

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