Saturday, September 1, 2012

Are you biased?

We all are. I was born as a Chinese in Hong Kong. I'm biased naturally on certain topics on China and Hong Kong.

When you belong to a political party or a religion, you're biased. You do not want to speak against the view points of your party or religion, such as birth control. Both political parties really do not know how to fix our health care system. They still want to spend like no tomorrow to buy votes by moving money from one budget to health care. They also want to increase taxes to pay for it, so we further increase unemployment problem. They do not want to fix the root problem which is how to lower the health care expense first.

I'm sure our Tea Party history is written differently in Britain. Examples abound: WW2, Boxer Rebellion (I shamelessly call it Patriotic Acts Against Foreign Devils), Opium Wars... However, we have to stick with facts. Rewriting history on Nanjing Massacre by the Japanese is bad.

It is quite OK to have different perspectives. We need to live with others, and countries need to live with others peacefully. US's Secretary of State just announced US wants influence in Pacific while China wants to live peacefully with its neighbors. I do not know how sincere China is, but it is a good gesture.

Every time US 'influences' a certain region, they spend a lot of cash and many more under the table. Do we have money to waste in our bankrupt state? Should we ask China to loan us more money to control China? There was a bomb star from Hong Kong kept some money for some political figure in a SE Asia country. It does not take a genius to trace back to corruption. We blamed China for buying 'access' while we're doing the same.

There are similar articles in my recent book:


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