Sunday, September 23, 2012

When U.S. cannot pay back the debts

It is not possible for us to pay back our debts for generations. In a capitalist system, if you cannot pay your mortgage, your house is foreclosed. It should happen to the countries, but in reality it does not. Assuming we can, here are my suggestions.

1. Sell Alaska to Russia in exchange for oil as China insists not to receive the depreciating USD which is another scheme to lower the debt burden. Include the big-mouth Sarah P. and her dysfunctional family as a compulsory clause, not a bonus.

2. Sell Hawaii to Japan. We're very smart here as Japanese already own Hawaii, like selling something we do not have in the first place. Smart move.

3. Sell NYC to China. NYC was originally owned by Indians who were Chinese and lost their way after too many Ma Ties and crossed the frozen strait. I have my genes to prove it. Consider no capital gain tax which could be astronomical. We're the smartest folks on earth.

4. California to the highest bidder. Most likely the successful bidder is a drug lord who could improve the distribution routes and buy gun easier to enforce their kingdom. Do it early before the big earthquake, which could make California a liability instead of an asset (Japan is a recent example).

At one time we have enough USD to buy Canada. What happens?

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