Tuesday, April 3, 2012

US and Wars

Most recent wars we participate/participated are caused by ideology to prove our system and our leaders are better than others including Vietnam War. Do we have world peace when every country wants to be #1?

We're not rich enough like we were in 50s and 60s to be the world policeman. Wars destroy our economy, not to mention the human sufferings of fallen heroes/returned veterans and jobs.

We have not learned from history like the failed attempt by French on Vietnam and Russian on Afghan which could be the main cause of the breakup of Russia.

Wars due to resources, shame on us. Wars due to religions, shame on Israel who controls our congress. Most of us do not understand the complexity of Middle East and I have no intention or interest to do so. Should we send our children over there to be killed while they should enjoy the best time of their lives. I rest my case.

If we sent the children of our leaders to the front line, we will not have wars.

WW2 destroyed our competitors while there was no major destruction in US mainland. It could be the major reason we've been so rich in 50s and 60s. We may not be that lucky now with 911 as the recent proof.

When your country wants freedom, you have to fight it yourself. US should not send soldiers and at most enforce sanction to the offending regime.

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