Wednesday, September 6, 2017

On tax reduction

As in every decision, there are benefits and drawbacks.

Will lowering the corporate taxes would lure corporations return to the US when they're paying peanuts with their HQs in some Caribbean islands? We need at least to tax the profits they make in the US.

Will lowering individual tax reduce the giving up the US citizenship by the rich? I hope they do not take out the charity deductions otherwise the camels (Buffett and Gates for example) will not go thru the eye of a needle.

I belong to the middle class and am being squeezed by both sides. The rich have many options to save taxes (Trump may pay far less taxes than I in the next 5 years) and the poor are asking for more benefits. We really need to encourage the poor to work with very low taxes and punish the able welfare recipients.

Our major expenses are our endless involvement in wars and generous welfare. Where can we get money to fund these plus the infrastructure projects after the tax cuts? Politicians have REAL 'answers'. God help us please!

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