Sunday, August 20, 2017

China & Japan switch positions to be #1 buyer of our debts

We are borrowers, not lenders. If there are better places than the US to invest the excess money, China should do else where. To maintain a strong USD is good for China as the loan will be paid back in USD.

China has excess trade deficits for years to be recycled. One way is to buy our properties and companies such as OPEC and Japan did (still doing). It is silly that we stop China to buy our companies and steer them to buy companies in Europe.

It they withdraw, we will have no more easy money and it would crash the economy and the stock market. China does not want to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs. When the goose becomes too skinny, it would be the time to slaughter it to get what's left.

We should not reduce our resources by policing the world. Investing in infrastructure is better than consuming such as the war expenses. China is doing the opposite in investing in their economy. The reason could be one is run by lawyers and the other by engineers.

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