Friday, February 15, 2013

Small Chinese companies

Do not buy the small companies unless you REALLY understand the company. There are too many frauds. Even CAT was fooled by a small Chinese company and had to write off that company it acquired.

They do not have an organization like SEC here. It is a wild, wild west. I have been burned more than one time, so shame on me. I routinely skip the companies with Chinese address and Chinese names for their executives as I do not trust their financial data. I hope the Chinese government will set up their own SEC soon to lure foreign investors.

However, a lot of folks made money on small Chinese companies and the two richest folks I know (one is friend's friend and another one is my high school classmate) got very, very rich by participating the IPOs of some Chinese companies (well-known now). Also, I believe the best but risky investment would be in China for the next 10 years.

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