Friday, July 8, 2011

Identify Asians

Today is a slow day in the market and I am inspired by the article Being Asian.

Actually you can identify where they come back easily.

1. By their public behaviors.
Japanese bow all day long, so their spinal cords are permanently damaged.

Singapore youngsters will not come close to any car as they have the image of a flogging experience of a teenager (of course from overseas).

Taiwanese folks always line up.

Chinese from Mainland will never line up and will cut you off when you do not pay attention.

2. By the way they cross the streets.
Japanese and Taiwanese always wait for the traffic lights.

Chinese from Mainland treat it as a sport or a chess game. The poor foreigners will never cross the street in Beijing or Shanghai unless they buy life insurance to the max.

3. By the hand bag they carry.
Japanese always buy the real ones.

HongKongers carry the fake ones.

Mainlanders carry the real ones even it costs them 3 months of salary to buy one.

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