Friday, July 20, 2018


Many have returned to China termed as "sea turtles" especially in the last financial crisis. It has been accelerating in recent years. As of 2018, it is almost one returned for one new foreign student from China. 

When the opportunities in China are better than the US, it is an easy choice. Some have vast opportunities and are given a lot of incentives at least at one time. Today many researchers return home due to lack of research funds here. Some return home due to not extending the work visa successfully. It is nothing to politics but personal opportunities.

US does not allow dual citizenship and Medicare is only available to US citizens. Many Chinese have citizenship and green card in either country. Their Chinese children have more opportunities here (i.e. less competition here). Some parents work in China and come back to see their children during vacations.

After Tiananmen Square incident, Chinese students were allowed to stay. It is one of the few times US gets the best foreign brains over welfare recipients and potential terrorists. US did miss the rich Hong Kong migrants to Canada and Australia on the year of Chinese takeover.

No Indians in the right mind want to return to India, but not Chinese. The simple reason: Compare the infrastructure of the two countries.

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