Saturday, July 7, 2018

General news


The new name for IHOP? iRob may be taken by Apple or Well Fargo already.

Notice not using “Wells” as it is for the bankers only and not for customers. “Well”, they make their bankers laughing “far” too much bonuses to “go” to the bank.

It reminds me of the name I gave to the new company of the merging Family Dollar and Dollar Tree:  Two Dollars Now.

Genius and idiot

The line between them is very thin. We have two celebrities committed suicide in a week in June. They are the genius in their own field. Committing themselves is an idiot act to me.

Money and fame do not mean much in life but health both physical and mental is. RIP and we will miss you.

My broker statement

When the market falls, I do not want to watch my monthly statements.

When the market rises, I watch my balance every day.

I'm a hypocrite who knows how to live healthier at least mentally.

In addition, I do not tell how much I made to my wife who is an irrational spender.

Singapore where Trump & Kim meet

Hopefully N. Korea will come to their senses to give up nuclear weapons in exchange of economic aids.

China is a major factor behind. With no proof, I bet China and possibly Russia has helped N. Korea's missile and nuclear technologies. In turn China learned a lot of missiles from the US during US witch hunt of communists. I’m 99% sure that the expelled Chinese scientist was not a communist but a dedicated scientist. China is the major trade partner and a lot of aids are from China.

Many comments on Trump-Kim summit on 6/11:

A good start

It is a great starting point in the Singapore summit. A major victory for Trump besides his controversial tax cuts while most other bills did not pass. Now we can concentrate on Iran.

Eventually I hope Korea will be united similar to Germany, but most likely not in my life time. The end of WW2 has separated many countries and their citizens. Interestingly, most if not all who side with Russia are not doing well economically.

Credit when credit is due

We have to agree it is a good first step no matter you're trumpet or basher. A great day for world peace.

It could be as historical as Reagan's speech. Wait and see. Sun Tsu said something like: The biggest victory is winning a war without shooting an arrow.

Politics really separate folks even the smart ones from the arguments of the summit from Republicans and Democrats. Some still called Trump dumb.

To me it is another example of “Three shades of dumb”. When we call Trump dumb, we are calling his support voters dumber and the one who lost to Trump dumbest.

Who benefit

China could benefit a lot. China will ship the labor-intensive manufacturing jobs to N. Korea to 'reduce' our huge deficit with China. Less North Koreans would starve and South Koreans would enjoy a peaceful time. Hopefully the separated relatives and families will reunite.

The US arms to Japan and S. Korea would be reduced to lessen the expensive arms race in that part of the world. A win-win situation.

N. Korea will think of following the steps of prosperity from China's opening up. It is hard or impossible to verify how many missiles and nuclear weapons they would still keep.

Interest rate hike

If the rate hike is a total of 1% for the entire year, it is still low compared to the historic average.

The rate hike could have an inverse impact on the market due to the record-high margin.

Actions for investors assuming the rate is rising:

·         Check the interest rate in your brokerage account. Some brokers give virtually zero interest and 1% today is quite good.
·         In this risky market, conservative investors should have some CDs.
·         Use laddered CD strategy (maturing in different periods), so you will have cash to buy stocks when the market is not that risky.
·         Recommend to buy CDs that mature not longer than a year. For example, a 3% CD for 3 years may give less interest in three years compared to a 2% CD for a year followed by a 4% and 5% CD in the next two years (again assuming the rate is rising).
·         Do not buy long-term bonds as it will depreciate if the rate rises.

Lithium in Virginia

Without mining coal, lithium is a good choice. If Trump has a 20% tariff on lithium, all the miners will smile. Deregulations and environment take a back seat to jobs.

Splitting California into three states

SF and LA are quite different too, one major in tourism and the other major in making movies. Potential we double the government employees and it would solve the unemployment problem. We have to triple the number of senate that the other political party will object.

Should California be an independent country? I'm going to buy it with financial backing from China. It would solve a lot of problems including our debs to China. No kidding.

Head tax in Seattle

What a stupid idea! Seattle is telling us we do come here to open business here as they will not be competitive to other states.


Seattle and SF both have nice climate for the homeless. They do not want to go to New England to freeze these bums' bums even “Taxsachusetts” has the best welfare.

To fix the homeless problems:

1. Send addicts to the right clinics and enforce it by law.
2. Do not release the mentally challenged too early (need more budget).
3. Build more subsidized houses and train the homeless to get jobs.

God blesses America but we have to help ourselves first.

Illegal Mexicans

I have to agree with Trump in protecting the border as all other countries do. Surprise to me! My questions:

1.       Should we build a wall in Canada?
2.       How do Mexicans treat the illegals in Mexico? Very harsh I guess.
3.       The children are innocent and I'm with them. However, the parents have broken the law and many including myself have paid the price to immigrate.
4.       We need folks doing jobs that no one wants (it is easy to collect welfare). We need a good work visa program and enforce it.
5.       Selective immigration could be one solution. We need high tech H1-B folks and laborers to work on farms..., but not criminals and welfare recipients.

Indian programmers

Welcome to globalization and "supply and demand".

Most if not all of my white programmers want to be managers. All my Indian co-workers are happy with their wages. They are happily and willingly to be ‘cheated’ compared to what they get back home. As Einstein said, "Everything is relative".

It is a win-win situation and the only losers are dedicated tech folks who were born here. Many times they are turned down for jobs as the hiring manager would be threatened by them taking his/her job eventually.


If you take out foreign students, new immigrants and their children, our STEM PhDs are far fewer than the actual numbers.


I do not believe I’m on Trump’s side today on some issues and I hate folks confronting Trump’s supporters and his executives. We should NOT confront them in person like asking them to leave a restaurant. It has the OPPOSITE effect. If you want to express your opinions, do it during voting. It is a free country, but be civil.

Surprisingly union is in the news. Unions worked fine at one time to narrow the gap between the rich management and the workers. Some unions become corrupt. Over-protection leads to reduced profits for the company and that leads to bankruptcy for the company in some cases and / or less competitive to similar products from many foreign countries such as China.

To some small extend, unions are communists: Everyone is paid the same in the same type of work. Unless the union worker does not commit extraordinary errors, s/he does not get fired.

Eskimos and Indians

Yes, they did as the Bering Strait was frozen at one time. They could escape from wars, disasters, or lost the way after too many hot liquid. I have my genes to prove Eskimos and Indians are Asians.

Just my theory with no proof.

Our good generation

Comparatively, we have been living in good times with less conflicts and less wars.

If I were born 50 miles north of Hong Kong, I would suffer from Mao's disaster era.

If I were born 10 years earlier, I would be one of the victims of the WW2.

Our children have to deal with the record national debts. I had a professional job after college. Cannot say the same for many college graduates today.

Thank God!

Less workers

Due to baby booms, the one-child policy and early retirement (many retire at 55), China will run out of workers sooner than you think. Believe it or not: China is #1 in implementing robots with a lot of them designed and made in China.

China also outsources their products to low-wage countries to fight the export quotas and higher wages at home. If the imported shirt is 99% made in China except the label "Made in Ethiopia”, most likely it will not be counted as our trade deficit with China.

A recommended movie: Hidden Figures

Your mobile phone is MANY times more powerful than the IBM 7090 used later in the movie. I used similar mainframes in late 60s. We submitted the programs via cards and waited for hours for the computer to run. Then I learned PDP11. I found a job as a PDP11 assembly programmer (more technical than Fortran and COBOL at the time) while many of my fellow graduates were pumping gas or were sent to Vietnam.

It is inspiring. However, the black have not learned and the majority is stuck in a lower class of society even they do not have the same discrimination as in the movie. The Cambodians, a lower class in South East Asia, got into the main stream here after one generation. I expressed at the risk of being called racist.

I do not know too many blacks getting into technical fields. However, once in a while I met a genius. Hope more black children are inspired by the movie.

If you're bi-racial, I do not know which rest room they sent you too.

I believe NASA should be a government agency. It inspired many around the world including a girl next to my flat. She was into math. She is the only child and hence could not come to US to study. She became a high official in Hong Kong's education system to help those who are inspired and can. Now, most of the dreams are broken.

Stealer and stealee

Almost all countries and most companies steal from each other. Apple, Microsoft... stole PARC's Window concept.

Many dump their products. Microsoft did give the word processor, spread sheet program and email almost free to fight off competitors.

If you believe CIA is a friendly info gathering agency, you believe in fairy tales.

Best defense

Every country including US and China should protect their own secrets, prevent product dumping and use his best weapons for trade wars.

The best defense usually is the best offense.

My poor English

I bet my English is better than your Chinese. How many books you have written in Chinese?

World Cup

I have been enjoying World Cup. Our primary love is football (or American football to the rest of the world). Soccer is not too popular in the US no matter how hard they have tried. One reason is lack of commercials (we see a lot of commercials unknowingly) and the other is lack of scores. We can widen the goal area or shorten the field for more goals.

Football is the right term for soccer as it is played with the feet mostly. Most soccer players are fit compared to our football players.


The above is from my book "On Business News 2018"  available from 415 pages (6*9).

Click here for more info.

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