Monday, July 23, 2012

My talk is gospel and your talk is garbage

My friend asked me why US has an embargo on dual purpose equipment to China while we are challenging China on rare earths. Come to think of it. It is not the only one. I can think of the following with an example followed each.

Industry subsidies. Farm subsidies with low-interest loans.

Pollution. We're the #1 polluter per capita wise.

Currency manipulator. The way we depreciate our currency by printing it to the max. is manipulating our currency.

Product dumping. Microsoft used to do it at one time to wipe out its competitors of Office and then raise prices.

Human rights. We just had our yearly shooting.

Nuclear weapons. We can own them, but not those who do not belong to the club.

Defense budget. We're #1 and our budget is far, far away from #2. We still ask what is your purpose of expanding your defense budget.

We also preached China to spend like no tomorrow. We need to learn from our mistakes first and do not judge others with our own yardstick.

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