Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Our problems, solutions and implementations

This recession is the longest from my memory. Usually we have two to three years at most and then we recover. Some recent college graduates have been out-of-work for over 3 years. It could be all the stimulation, printing money, bailouts do not fix the problem. If we do not do the above, it could be either a deeper recession or a faster recovery. 2012 hopefully could be the year we finally recover.

US problems are easy to fix. I can think of many easy solutions, so the politicians who are hundreds times smarter than I must have many solutions already.

Identifying problems and finding solutions are the easy part, but implementing is hard as the agenda of all politicians is simple: Get reelected. They have to satisfy the special interest groups who finance their campaigns and the voters who do not want to bite the bullet.

To illustrate, why gun control is not an issue in both parties? You have to ask your congressmen/women how much money they receive from NRA.

I wrote the blog titled 'A nation of no-losers' to reflect the current state of our nation. It appears to be funny, but there is some truth in it.

1 comment:

  1. Old wizard said:

    Tony, I agree that the problems of the country are easier to solve than it is widely thought. I also agree that implementation is proof of the pudding. I also believe that most of the people in the executive or congress including their staffs have neither the experience, nor the ability to manage any complex implementation of a selected solution.

    But I believe that solutions that have been selected are not addressing the most critical problems as a function of time. This is very worrisome. In any business, if money is borrowed and applied to making the business more solvent in the near and long term,we would conclude that borrowing is warrented.

    I have seen many businesses go under because they invest in projects whose potential is in the distant future, not addressing their bottom line in one, two three or 5 years, showing the big hockey stick in revenue
    and profit beyond five years.
