Thursday, December 8, 2011

Pearl Harbor memorial day

Japanese suffering from the 2 atomic bombs is TOTALLY JUSTIFIED. Most died in dignity at least. Without the two bombs, US would invade Japan and many innocent folks would die.

The two atomic bombs should have dropped on the imperial palace whose master (now becomes the parasite of society) started the Asian invasion, and some smaller bombs should drop on the 'shrines' of war criminals, who invented the term 'comfort women', raped women and even killed babies.

It seems heartless to say the punishment from God on Japan should start 50 years earlier as most of these war criminals have passed away. Consider the millions of Asians were killed, raped by these war criminals, the head cutting competition on innocent Chinese and the river of flood, and you'll agree it is TOTALLY JUSTIFIED.

If you're still now convinced, watch the Nanjing documentary which is available from Netflix. We should not hate a nation because of the past history but we have to learn from history. I do not think the current generation of Japanese with their high education will repeat history. However, Chinese should learn how to defend themselves and also not to offend others.

The rewrite of Japanese text books on invasion and worship the 'shrines' of war criminals will fool no one but the fools who acted cowardly to cover their conscience and sins.

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