Tuesday, August 31, 2021



Here are some issues you may not see in the press, especially from the U.S.


We know the Afghanistan government is corrupt and it is similar to Vietnam before her fall. However, no one cares about how the corruption has been so widely spread in these two wars. We have to investigate our people who managed the aid, and possibly how they have profited themselves.


We have spent 1 trillion (some estimated 3 trillions) in the last 20 years. We should understand that the advanced weapons cannot win in hilly areas and against the dedicated spirit of a nation. We cannot change a nation’s culture, government and her religious beliefs.


Trump did the right thing to retreat as the huge war expenses had been killing our economy. Biden should have retreated the soldiers as the last group. The CIA had not provided correct information about the loyalty of the hired soldiers.


I wish there is good cooperation with China in Afghanistan. China could help them to rebuild the country, especially in mining ores. It is risky venture as the country is not safe and not stable. Without the economic improvement, Afghanistan would turn herself into exporting terrorism and opium.


We should help the refugees, but we should be careful of any terrorists disguised as refugees as the EU found out the hard way.


Our allies and Taiwan may not cooperate with us after our failure in Afghanistan. 



The above article is from my book "A nuclear war with China?".



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