Tuesday, August 31, 2021



Here are some issues you may not see in the press, especially from the U.S.


We know the Afghanistan government is corrupt and it is similar to Vietnam before her fall. However, no one cares about how the corruption has been so widely spread in these two wars. We have to investigate our people who managed the aid, and possibly how they have profited themselves.


We have spent 1 trillion (some estimated 3 trillions) in the last 20 years. We should understand that the advanced weapons cannot win in hilly areas and against the dedicated spirit of a nation. We cannot change a nation’s culture, government and her religious beliefs.


Trump did the right thing to retreat as the huge war expenses had been killing our economy. Biden should have retreated the soldiers as the last group. The CIA had not provided correct information about the loyalty of the hired soldiers.


I wish there is good cooperation with China in Afghanistan. China could help them to rebuild the country, especially in mining ores. It is risky venture as the country is not safe and not stable. Without the economic improvement, Afghanistan would turn herself into exporting terrorism and opium.


We should help the refugees, but we should be careful of any terrorists disguised as refugees as the EU found out the hard way.


Our allies and Taiwan may not cooperate with us after our failure in Afghanistan. 



The above article is from my book "A nuclear war with China?".



Sunday, August 8, 2021

My Coconut Theory


Coconut Theory


In a tropical island, every one sleeps under a coconut tree assigned to him. He wakes up only when a coconut falls on his head once in a while. He eats the coconut and goes back to sleep. He is lazy due to the nice weather (no need to find shelter) and the nice resource (the coconut tree). He is happy and rich by his own standard. However, he is lazy, fat, and stupid due to the lack of any need to work, exercise, and think out of his ‘perfect’ environment.


The worst that happens to the natives is borrowing coconuts from other natives with the coconut tree as collateral or cut down the coconut tree to make a canoe without plans to replenish coconuts in the future. 


This is a simple theory. It can be used to explain how and why many countries are rich, poor, and continue to be so. Let’s check how this theory stacks up with countries.


It also explains why people migrate to places with lots of coconuts. It is demonstrated by Chinese during war time to South East Asia and the Irish moving to the US during potato famine.



The U.S. is one of the richest countries due to its development,  highly educated citizens, hard-working immigrants and the huge natural resources per capita (i.e. having a lot of coconuts in my theory). The U.S. is declining as we spend more time enjoying our wealth (borrowing coconuts so he can eat more) rather than creating more wealth (i.e. not planting new coconut trees in my theory). 


The wealth is equivalent to the bountiful of coconut trees that were available originally and the many that were planted by our ancestors. There were fewer natives to consume the total number of coconuts, so there was a surplus of coconuts grown, eventually to be given away (as welfare and entitlements). Many of our citizens have no incentive to plant more coconut trees (work) when they have unlimited coconuts to them (generous welfare).


Because of WW2, most coconut trees in the world were destroyed while ours were isolated from the war. We were rich to ship our better coconuts to the rest of the world.


God gave us plenty of natural resources, good soil and climatic wealth (coconuts hidden under the land) and hopefully we continue to be wealthy. Unfortunately, we’re now consumers (of coconuts) instead of producers (planting new coconut trees).


Why the U.S. is falling? We cut down a lot of coconut trees and make spears. We use the spears to threaten our neighbors to give us coconuts. In some cases, we borrow coconuts.




Norway is the richest to its population group (3 millions) while Brunei is richest in its own population group. Norway is rich due to its rich resources and its intelligently governed wealth. I hate to compare any country to Norway as most likely we are comparing Apples to Melons.

From its long coast line Norway has rich off-shore oil fields and abundant fish exports which is second in the world-- only 6% of its export, after China but far, far #1 per capita wise. Because of the world's oil addiction and food dependence secures its income flow.

Peru has a long coast line, but it is not wealthy. My theory does not apply fully here, as there are always exceptions. It could be Norway’s educated citizens, close location to its trade partners and buying assets around the world (planting more coconut trees). The dividend payments allow Norway to prosper for decades. They have about 600 billion sovereign fund to be shared by 3 million citizens. Simple math!


Norway will be rich for centuries to come as they plant the coconut trees all over the world.



Some smart guys suggested cutting down all the coconut trees (their financial asset) make canoes (more global banks) so they can earn a rich life by fishing (lending). The world blindly loans them with coconuts. When the fishing (no global market esp. after 2008) fails, their land is lost with no coconuts and no coconut trees left. Do not bet all the coconuts in one venture and always have an exit strategy.


Singapore and SE Asia

Singapore is rich due to its important location for the sea route for trade and commerce, as well as being the cultural intersection between the east and the west and its industrious citizens (most are Chinese). When the hard-working folks land on a land of coconuts (i.e. resources), they naturally become rich.


Mekong River is a good resource providing fishing, irrigation, transportation, and fertile land in the delta for SE Asia. Hence, SE Asia should be rich, and at the same time attracts hard-working immigrants from India and China to enhance their wealth. However, the river is being polluted by industries and the future is cloudy.




Japan has few natural resources. Its only resource is the educated and hard-working citizens. With a decreasing population and the policy not welcoming immigrants, Japan will face problems.



Haiti used to have enough coconuts for its small population. French imported African slaves to the sugar cane plantation and changed the allocation of natural resources per capita. Coupled with frequent natural disasters and bad governance, Haiti becomes the poorest country in the world.


Haiti and many countries have their coconut trees destroyed by hurricanes from time to time. That’s why they’re always poor. So are some states in the US that suffer from periodic flooding and hurricanes.



When the west helped UAE to explore its oil resources (the hidden coconuts under the sand) about 50 years ago, UAE becomes one of the richest countries. She expands in different areas and it could be over-expanded. When the oil dries up in 100 or so years and/or the shale energy competes better, they could be in big trouble. [Update: the problem appears as of 1/2015.]



Russia is a country full of resources (coconuts). Its citizens become lazy having a good time under the ‘coconut’ tree. Chinese are just the opposite. That’s why the Russians hire the hard-working Chinese to tender farm in the border while they enjoy life with plenty of Vodka.


The primary reason why USSR fell was the temporary low prices of their resources oil and timber (coconuts). Trying to be #1 was another reason. 



China has roughly 20% of the world population, but it has far less than 20% of the world resources (coconuts). For example, it has only 6% of the world land area. The situation was worsened in the last 300 years during the Opium Wars, and then semi colonization by the eight countries (led by Brits, the opium pushers). It bankrupted China by their colonial masters. It caused massive migration to escape from the land without coconuts. It was followed by WW2, war lord era and then the bad governance. Their bitter lessons ensure this generation and the next generation to work hard and be smart. When they do not have ‘coconut trees’ (the colonial masters cut most of them down), you have to work hard or die.


China ranks #2 in the economy. It is only important to its trading partners. Its own citizens care about their living standard which is about the middle in the rank of all countries.





Greece has its natural resources: tourism (coconut). Euro gives them unlimited borrowing. Olympics boosted their dumb ego. The result is bankruptcy.



Caribbean islands


Literally a lot of their coconuts are destroyed from the hurricanes every year. It makes them poor even they have a lot of coconuts (ample sunshine and beaches for tourists). Many set up tax shelters for rich folks and corporations. It is similar to earthquake prone countries.


Hong Kong & Singapore


Both have good governance learned from Britain and are supported by hard-working Chinese. Hong Kong is rich due to its proximity to China and Singapore due to the sea port location between the East and the West. Coconuts are in many forms.


Ancient civilizations too


Greece, Iran, India, China and Italy are among the oldest civilizations. Most do not do well in today’s economy and many of their citizens have immigrated to other countries. My theory suggests that they have exhausted their coconuts (farm land and metals) throughout the long history. Hence, they have to migrate to lands with more coconuts. To illustrate this, there is a huge discrepancy in natural resources (oil, metal and farm land) between China and the U.S., which has a relatively short history.


Corporations too


Microsoft was a tougher company with more innovations fifteen years ago than today. However, they are enjoying easy profitability of upgrades of Windows and Office (coconuts planted by their ancestors). For a long time, she only has one successful new product, the Xbox. Her managers are counting their bonuses instead of taking risk. The Coconut Theory works again.


Rich families too


It is very rare to have rich families that last over three generations. The first generation grows the wealth (planting coconuts), the second generation enjoys the wealth, and the third or fourth generation usually becomes poor due to the easy life.




So far, no one tells me that this theory has been ‘discovered’ by others. Shamelessly I claim it is mine. To me, it is just common sense.




·         I did not have a coconut tree (i.e. financial aid or money from my dad), and that is why I worked two jobs in my first summer while attending college here. The first one was a bus boy job from 5 pm to 10 pm. The other one was cleaning slot machines from 4 am to noon for 5 and usually 7 days a week. Lack of coconut makes you desire to work hard or you vanish. With an average IQ, I can make it by working hard in a land of coconuts.


My children have too many coconuts and they live in a more lavish life style than the old man. They ask me why I work that hard during my retirement or why I still go to Burger King with a coupon even they do not treat me like a king.


·         According to my friend Norman, the problem with a small place filled with coconuts is someone would likely to colonize you and steal your coconuts as happened to Norway during WWII. Similar to China about 250 years ago. Once a while, need to cut down one among many coconut trees to make spears to protect the rest of the coconuts.