Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Trade war with China

The following is from my new book "Trade War with China". Click here.


I bet we will have a trade war with China. It is not beneficial to both China and the U.S. Hence, there could have a settlement with China satisfying our terms. However, the damages have been done and China will better prepare for the next trade war with us. It will be at least during Trump’s presidency. We have trade wars with many countries including EU, Japan and even Mexico. Our allies eventually would side with China even they suffer from their own trade war. Russia would trade more with China and could be a military ally.

Chapter 1 states my predictions and my reasons. The next chapters describes impacts to us, China and rest of the world. There are not winners between the countries involved in the trade war. However, there are a few winners such as Vietnam, Ericsson and Nokia.

The next chapters describe why the trade war is started and the two most affected companies: Huawei and Apple.

I selected the following chapters from other books to be included in this book.

Book 2: “Can China Say No?”
Book 3: “Understand ourselves and China”.
Book 4: “Global economies”.

The specific chapters are:

·         “Can China Say No?” Book 2 Chapter 1.
·         “Shenzhen”. Book 2 Chapter 5.
·         “The myths on China”. Book 3. Chapter 1.
·         “Actions to fix our problems”. Book 3. Chapter 2.
·         “Consumption vs. investing”. Book 3 Chapter 3.
·         “My economic theories”. Book 4 Chapter 28.
·         “My coconut theory”. Book 4 Chapter 29.

Many U.S. books are very hawkish on China. They make U.S. citizens feel good as they are what they want to hear. Chinese are in the opposite side. I hope my book is in the middle. I try to find out facts and express them with my opinions.

I’m not a US basher. US is still the leader in most sectors such as economics, science, military and politics. China has been reducing the gaps in the last 30 years. My personal wealth is tied up in the US stock market, so I hope the US would prosper. Being a US citizen born in Hong Kong, US is first to me and China second. We have less problems than China. However, if we do not know our problems, how can we fix them? Several articles including the article “Actions to fix our problems” suggest how to fix our problems.

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