Sunday, September 7, 2014

Defending China again (or fixing the wrong attitude towards China

1. China's product quality is improving as it is moving up the value chain (that has been gone thru by Japan, Korea and briefly the US in the colonial period). Today a lot of goods that requires cheap labor are assembled (via China's outsource) in other countries such as Vietnam and Lao.

2. The quality of these foreign products are checked by the outsourcees. Does Apple have quality problems from China?

3. As long as the US corporations want higher profits and do not spare the time in checking quality, product problems will be here no matter they are from China or any foreign country.

Many of us prefer good quality products at higher prices (good for the environment too). However, it is hard to identify the degree of quality and we always are bargainers.

China saved GM from out-of-business and also the tourist industry (ask any luxury retailer in NYC). So, there are always two sides of a story.

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