Saturday, September 4, 2021

Feeding 18% of world population with 7% farmland


It is not easy for sure. Today, China can feed her citizens without import except during natural disasters such as flooding and droughts. China’s famines such as during 1950 are a past memory.


China does import food. Beef cannot be raised profitably in China due to the land resources. Some corn and soybean are imported and they are used for animal feed.  Lobsters and some seafood are imported for wealthy citizens. The wealthier China can afford to import more food, but it would be bad for poor countries. Hope China will be self-sufficient in food with my summary:

·        Hard working. It is similar to other industries.

·        Making use of limited resources such as rice terraces in hills and turning deserts into farmland.

·        Aqua farming. Many seafood including oysters are farmed.

·        Using technologies such as farming machines. Drones are used for fertilizing / insecticides which is efficient and saving fertilizers and water. Chinese can grow modified specimens of rice in salty water.

·        Improving transportation to bring food from farms to cities.

·        Encourages research and experiments in farming.

·        Chinese farming has benefited from many scientific advances such as GPS, weather forecasts and genetics.

·        Management. China has months banning fishing to prevent from overfishing.

·        “One-child policy” has limited population growth in spite of many drawbacks.

·        Water redirection projects. Hopefully and eventually, the semi-desert in many areas in West China would be turned into farmland from the water redirected from the south.


Links Google “China agriculture”.

General. 1

Farming technology:  1, 2, 3 4  5 6  




The above article is from my book "A nuclear war with China?".



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