Tuesday, June 25, 2019

My prediction on the trade war with China.

As of the start of 6/2019, it seems a trade war between the U.S. and China is not avoidable. I hope they will compromise and avoid the trade war. It is unlikely after China published their paper in several languages. It tells her citizens and the world that they cannot compromise further as their base lines have been crossed. Hence, if China backs up, it would be a slap on their face. President Trump will not back up either.

According to a Chinese government white paper, the unreasonable demands led to the collapse of trade talks in May, 2019. From the U.S. side, the collapse was due to the later re-negotiation of early clauses that had been both agreed.

No one knows exactly why the negotiation collapsed except the negotiators. I commented on some leaks here and some based on speculation.

1.       U.S. wants 100 billion cut in trade deficit for the first year. China would agree on this. However, a total of 200 billion in the following years is harder for China, but it is workable.

2.       China will not subsidize industries for companies involved in “Made in 2025”. Every country subsidize their industries including agriculture and research by the U.S. government. China can accept it but is it always impossible to enforce it and China would ask the U.S. to do the same.

3.       The U.S. wants China not to import components on specific industries. It is more on my own speculation. It is the same of banning Google and chip companies to sell software / components to Huawei. That is not acceptable to China. With this, it is better for China to go to a full-fledge trade war. Google’s apps could kill China’s mobile sales to Europe as they do not want to use China’s censored data such as China’s equivalent Wikipedia.

4.       The U.S. wants China to cut down cyber spying on U.S. companies. All companies are spying against each other. China can promise to try their best. Other than this, it is not acceptable and it is impossible to enforce it.  

However, on 6/8/2019, Xi called Trump ‘a friend’. It is a complete reversal of the previous attitude. It could be the hawk members is losing ground after Xi found out that China did not have all the trump cards. The trade war could be settled under our terms. This is my sincere hope. It is painful for me as my adopted country and my native country (I was born in Hong Kong) are fighting against each other. Today (6/25/2019) is close to the important meeting in G20 between the two.

However, based on past history, China may violate most terms as they did on the promises of providing South China Sea traffic for all countries to some extent and not stealing secrets.

We will be more isolated if Trump insists on trade wars with many of our trade partners. Many countries would help the U.S. and China to cross ship products to avoid tariffs.

The harms have been done. China will prepare better today for the future trade war. The days of sharing our chips and technologies with China will be gone if not already. China will swallow their pride and accept Trump’s rules (the one who has gold will make the rules). Trump will most likely avoid the trade war to gain his chance of being reelected. He will not want to be the person responsible to pull China and Russia together.

Chinese white paper on trade.

Article 1  2 (many articles from South China Morning Post) 3 4 

For more current articles, google “China trade war”.


The above is from my new book "Trade War with China". Click here.

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