Tuesday, April 2, 2019

On China

Many ‘experts’ said China would collapse for more than 10 years. So far, it has not been materialized. Even five years ago, the same ‘experts’ told me it would crash soon and this time was right. No crash so far. I bet these experts have never visited China. China has prevented the loan bubble by creating the housing bubble. Eventually these bubbles will burst and no one knows when they will.

U.S. is still leading the world in many sectors, while China is reducing the gap. 5G is the technology that China can claim it is about 1 year ahead of all competitors. It would be the important technology when thousands of machines can talk to each other.

Being a Chinese immigrated to the US, I’m happy that China is rising after centuries of humiliation. Sincerely I hope China’s rise will be beneficial to the world. “One Belt, One Road” should benefit many countries including the nations in the routes including Africa. China claim they do not interfere your political belief.

China has been building railroads, factories, hospitals, stadiums in Africa. From history, China has very few invasions to other countries and very seldom colonized a country even it had the ability to. China has emphasized not to interfere other countries but grows wealth mutually via trading and investing. Many times China’s foreign investments do not pay off for China, but in most cases they benefit these foreign countries. China tries her best to integrate with the international systems rather than changing them. However, U.S. will not want to be #2 in Africa. Africa in the next 30 years will not be wealthy enough as the major partner for Chinese products.  

Any trade war, military war and conflicts between US and China would hurt me personally. I do hope the reunification with Taiwan will not happen in my lifetime if it is by force. Hope all the islet disputes will be settled politically.

Like most countries, China has her own problems to solve. Corporations are encouraged to buy foreign technologies. The housing bubble is almost burst as of 2018. The government has taken actions to cure the debt problems starting with reducing buying US debts.

With few regulations, China is easy to start new ventures.  However, it is now close to be developed. China needs regulations and enforcements to protect her citizens and her own intelligent properties. China needs food quality control and enforcement, financial regulations like our SEC, FTC, Federal Reserve Bank…  China is on the right track, but she still needs to reduce wealth gap, suppress corruption, improves human rights…

Yuan will not be a reserve currency for a long while but it will be used to trade between China and her partners especially in the “One Belt, One Road” projects. The new energy exchange uses Yuan as the trade currency.

We need to trust China rather than making China an enemy. We have not let China to participate in our space program while China opens theirs. With our high debts, should we contain China with loans from China?

China is changing so fast. After 10 years, I visited China again in 2017 and I did not recognize China with so many new buildings. Use Google or any search engine to search for updated articles.

Chinese are optimistic for the future. They enjoy a better living standard than 30 or even 10 years ago. They care more about making money than politics. The youths are busy in their education and they know no one will bail them out if they do not work hard now.

If China’s rise is peaceful and beneficial to the world, let she rise. We have other problems more important to deal with such as our deteriorating infrastructure, our rising debts, addictive drugs, shootings, crimes and obesity. Israel could be controlling our Congress and it would drag us to WW3.

China and the US are the largest economies and they are integrated in almost in all areas. For example, China is #1 or #2 loaner to our foreign debts and our companies are #1 to invest directly in China. Our trade deficit has been huge but exaggerated as explained in this book. We need China to take out the barriers to our products that are viewed as superior products by Chinese citizens.

Even with all the distrust and cultural differences in both sides, we have integrated with Chinese in many of our departments. Chinese has become the second foreign language to our students after Spanish. Chinese tourists and students have become our number 1 service surplus.

“2025 Made in China”, “One Belt, One Road” and China’s leading 5G, U.S. receives the warning with actions including the trade war. Chinese never learn “silence is golden”.

As of 2018, I have donated all book profits to charities. I write for the love of my adopted country and my country I was born in. If you feel this book is beneficial to you, refer it to your friends and/or write an unbiased comment in Amazon.com; if you’re shy, you do not have to use your real name. Thank you for reading my book.


The above is from my book "Can China Say No?" available from  Amazon.com.

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