Friday, November 9, 2018

How to deal with China

I have suggested how we should deal with the rising China and here is my brief summary. Patriots’ head coach and the book of War of Arts offer some good hints even in today’s world.

·         Better engage than offend China. Need to understand China more.
·         China will reunite with Taiwan. It is a matter of time. I hope they will do it peacefully. We have a dilemma with Taiwan but I believe US will not go to a military war.
·         Hope China will settle peacefully with the disputed islands.
·         We need to invest in our economy (starting with infrastructure) and fund college researches. Without a robust economy, we would become a paper tiger.
·         Many are still living in denial. Fortunately our leaders and the defense industry (for their benefits) recognize China is rising fast both in military and economy.
·         We need to continue to attract top scientists and engineers outside USA. Otherwise we would lose our leads in many sectors.
·         We need to provide adequate security to our secrets. Our secrets of many advanced weapons have been stolen.

What are the damages from a war between US and China

Vietnam War is the second longest war in recent history. US has the most powerful air weapons and money to carpet bombing Vietnam. Vietnam won. You can only win the war by foot soldiers.

The Middle East wars are the longest in our history. In the desert air control is critical. However, we are still not winning war in Afghan.

We fought and are fighting for corrupt countries. Both our economy and military resources have been drained.
Both US and China assume the war between them would be brief and less damaging. The possibility of a war lasting for a long time is high with two major powers. The worst case is when one is losing fast, one might use nuclear weapons to turn around the situation.

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